Honesty Meter Logo

Media Manipulation and Bias Detection

Auto-Improving with AI and User Feedback

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Free, AI-Powered Bias Analysis
Assigned to content with high bias level.

Shared by publishers
championing full transparency.

To verify the badge, you can generate a bias report on our homepage  if you haven't already done so.

- Support the Truth

- Increase Trust and Engagement

Marking every piece of content with its bias level is not suitable for most content platforms!  Under these circumstances, we highly recommend displaying the general Honesty Badge, which demonstrates support for fair content without specifying the level of bias. Users who click on the badge will have the opportunity to generate a bias report on our homepage, should they choose to do so. Thus, using a general Honesty Badge is highly valued. It reflects the publisher's commitment to fair content and helps greatly in promoting transparency. To share the general Honesty Badge, please click here.  

Author's and Publisher's Transparency

If this badge was shared by the author or publishing platform, it strongly indicates the publisher's commitment to transparency, fairness, and openness to discussion and critical evaluation of the content. It's important to understand that the presence of bias in the content does not mean that the bias was applied intentionally to manipulate the audience. In many cases, biased content is created unknowingly with the best of intentions. Some level of bias is often inevitable, especially in opinion pieces on controversial topics. Our main objective is to counteract severe media manipulations that can significantly distort facts and lead the audience to a false perception of reality. These manipulations include misleading headlines, omission of key information, biased framing, among many others. It's highly unlikely that those who intentionally publish content with severe misleading manipulations will share our Honesty Badge.

Commitment to Openness by Authors and Publishers

We'd like to emphasize that if this badge was shared by the author or publisher, it significantly increases the likelihood of their trustworthiness, regardless of the bias level. This willingness to openly invite the audience to evaluate the content's bias level demonstrates a commitment to honest communication and aligns with the vision of fair and transparent media. Therefore, it's pretty reasonable to assume that an author or publisher who openly shares a badge and invites the audience to engage in open discussion can be more likely trusted than those who don't.

Disclaimer: Honesty Meter in Experimental Stage

Honesty Meter, the technology behind the Honesty Badge, is in an experimental stage. We recommend critically evaluating the content and bias reports generated. While we are continuously working on improving the system, even in its current state, the bias reports often provide valuable insights that are hard for humans to detect.